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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bricktown Brewery in OKC

Bricktown Brewery in Oklahoma City (OKC) is smack dab in the middle of the fancy-schmancy entertainment district called (duh) Bricktown.  When HD was doing road shows in the early 90s, Bricktown was nasty.  It was nowhere near what it is today, and it is always shocking to me to see how much it has grown and how gentrified it has become. 

Anyhoo, they brew their own beer and they have fries so there ya go.  The decor is pretty standard for brew pubs.  Just once I wish I could walk into a brewpub that was all molded plastic curves like the Moloko milk bar in A Clockwork Orange with blacklight velvet paintings of  naked black women with afros.  Why do they always have to be brick, wood, and iron?  It's sooooooo over.

Hmmm.  Strike one.  They list fries as a "side".  I hate that.  Fries never get any respect.

Whoa!  What's this?  Fat Elvis Fries?  Cool, but no.  Strike two for RUINING what might have been a good thing with such an ABOMINATION (sweet potatoes).

While we waited, we tried the beers.  The flight of tasters usually includes 6 of their beers, but our server explained that they didn't currently have six beers ready so he included a "guest" IPA from a brewery in Tulsa called Marshall Brewing as the sixth beer.  Naturally, the beer from the guest brewery was the best one.  Snap!

Three bucks for a decent amount of hot, fresh average-tasting fries.  They were from a bag, but they were the kind with what I call the "faux skin" on them.  Meh.

Three bucks is cheap for a brewpub in the touristy part of town, so I'm giving them a 7 out of 10.  These fries plus a couple of the guest IPAs from Marshall Brewing would be worth a trip.

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