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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Grunion and Z Swingers Revisited

After meeting a couple of beautiful babies at La Huerta...

Z:  How long do I wait to call?

GRUNION:  A day.

Z:  Tomorrow?

GRUNION:  No, tomorrow, then a day.

Z:  So, two days.

GRUNION:  Definitely.  Two days.  That's the industry standard.

Z:  Why don't I just wait three weeks and tell her I was cleaning out my wallet and found her number?

GRUNION:  Laugh all you want, but if you call too soon you can scare off a nice baby who's ready to party.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Before we know it, they will actually be dating! Those are two handsome boys.


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