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Monday, August 30, 2010

Grub's: The Current Leader

Grub's (which is located a block or so south of Dickson) is what I like to call a "mixed-use" establishment.  During the day, office types go there for lunch.  During the early evening, families and old people like me go there for dinner.  Past 9pm (my bedtime), college kids and the like go there to get hammered.  This makes for a varied experience depending on when you go there.  For instance, if you go there for lunch on a Sunday after a particularly raucous weekend, the whole place smells like rotten beer and vomit, but if you go there on a Wednesday, it smells like a regular restaurant.

Welcome babes?  They must have known I was coming...

Grub's has a 5-page menu full of stuff, and most of it is pretty good.

But you all know I don't care about anything but the fries.  When will everyone learn that fries should not be relegated to the "Side Items" section?  No respect...

An icy-cold Blue Moon while you wait sir?  Okay...

Ah, the fries at Grub's.  Mid-sized, just a hint of potato skin, crisp, hot, and that fry dip-the best in town.  Amy says the fry dip is just mayonnaise with dill in it but I know that it is a magical substance made with at least 247 ingredients.   Strange that the fry dip seemed to come in two different colors that day...

A thorough accounting of the fries revealed that there were 61 fries in our basket.  At $1.99, that comes to 3.262 cents per fry.  Considering that the fries are larger than your average fast food type fries, it's a good deal.

My rating: 10 out of 10.  A good amount of consistently hot and fresh fries that are tasty and attractively priced.  The fry dip is what puts Grub's over the top.  Grub's has the best sit-down restaurant fries in Fayetteville.  Will anyone knock them off the top of the mountain?

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